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Create, View, Drop, and Hide Indexes

On this page

  • Required Roles
  • Considerations
  • View Indexes
  • Create an Index
  • Drop an Index
  • Hide an Index

You can use the Atlas CLI or the Atlas UI to manage indexes on your collections.

Indexes support the efficient execution of queries in MongoDB and should be considered for fields which your application reads often. To learn more about creating effective indexes, see Indexing Strategies.

You can enable auto-creation of indexes for a serverless instance. To learn more, see Auto-Create Indexes for Serverless Instances.

To create, drop, or hide indexes, you must have access provided by at least one of the following roles:

By default, you can have up to three concurrent index builds. To learn more, see Maximum Concurrent Index Builds.

From the Collections tab, you can view index information for a collection. To view index information for a collection:


The main panel and Namespaces on the left side list the collections in the database.

Screenshot highlighting databases in the Atlas UI.

The main panel displays the Find, Indexes, and Aggregation views.


The indexes table lists the indexes and associated index information for the collection. Index information includes the index definition, the size, and the usage frequency.

Screenshot highlighting index view in the Atlas UI.
click to enlarge


When you create indexes, keep the ratio of reads to writes on the target collection in mind. Indexes come with a performance cost, but are more than worth the cost for frequent queries on large data sets. Before you create an index, review the documented indexing strategies.


You can build full-text search with Atlas Search and semantic search with Atlas Vector Search. Atlas Search offers fine-grained text indexing. To learn more, see Review Atlas Search Index Syntax and How to Index Fields for Vector Search.

To drop an index from a collection by using the Atlas UI:


From the Collections tab, select the collection with the index that you want to drop. Then, click the Indexes tab.


Under the Action column, click the Drop Index icon for the index that you want to drop.


In the dialog box, type the name of the index and click Drop.


You can't delete or hide the _id index. To learn more, see Unique Indexes.

Consider hiding the index to evaluate the impact of dropping an index before you drop it. To learn more, see Hidden Indexes.


Atlas CLI Limitation

You can't drop a cluster's index by using the Atlas CLI.

To hide an index by using the Atlas UI:


From the Collections tab, select the collection with the index that you want to hide. Then, click the Indexes tab.


Under the Action column, click the Hide Index icon for the index that you want to hide.


In the dialog box, click Confirm.


To unhide the index, click the icon again and click Confirm to confirm your action.

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